After School Program



Booker T. Washington
1200 E. Humble                   
433-2100 or 433-2118   

Our After School Program begins each day with a healthy snack. We follow a set daily schedule. This includes reading, computers, homework, music, exercise, and learning games. On some Wednesday's we will be going on field trips. Buses load every evening at 5:25 p.m.  and depart from the school at 5:30 p.m.
Parents it is necessary for you to be at home at  5:30 p.m..  Monday through Friday, during bus delivery. A parent or guardian of 18 years or older is required to meet your child at the designated drop off address. For those who live in an apartment complex or trailer park, you will need to meet your child at the designated bus drop off at your building. The program hours are from 2:40 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The program hours are from 1:40 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday's due to early dismissal.
We welcome you and your child to the Booker T. Washington After School Program! We encourage you to assist in making this a great school year for you and your child!

Robert Sims -Coordinator           [email protected]

Sofia Diaz -Paraprofessional                [email protected]

Irene Campos-Paraprofessional         
[email protected]    

Vanessa Robles-Paraprofessional

Armandina Chavez-Paraprofessional 


My name is Irene Campos  , I am a paraprofessional with BTW  afterschool program.  I have been with the Hobbs Schools for 18 years.   I have been married for 34 years and have 2 sons and 1 daughter.
                                                   Mrs. Campos 

Hello my name Vanessa 😊. I have been here for 1 year 🎉 and this will be my 2nd year. I work for the After School Program. I love the kids at BTW, they are so adorable and fun. 💙 I go to the college and study for my financial for right now but I want to study to be a nurse. 🎒🎓📖
Ms. Hlogin

Hi, My name is Armandina Chavez. My family and friends call me Dina. I have been with the Hobbs Schools for 9 years and this is my 2nd year in the After school Program.  I used to be a 1st grade paraprofessional  at Southern Heights, Edison & Mills before I moved over to the after school program here at Booker T. I really love the atmosphere here and all my co-workers. 

Mrs. Chavez

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